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climate change terminology pdf

It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme weather events). century (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Describe the process. Longer-term strategy would be to link producers, especially smallholders, with the carbon markets to exploit … Glossary — IPCC. Climate Change (UNFCCC), where climate change is defined as: “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.” The UNFCCC thus makes a distinction • Glossary of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2013) • Terminology on disaster risk reduction by UNISDR (2009) • Glossary on Migration by the International Organization for Migration (2011) • The State of … Also called global warming denial. Climate Change as meaningless as water wet. Even if greenhouse gas emissions are reduced significantly inthe coming years, cl i- In terms of exposure to severe weather risks resulting from climate change, south 3.1 CRMA training modules developed 3.2 Country-level expertise and capacity to manage climate change-development linkages enhanced 3.3 Country level capacity to access additional finance strengthened. More complicated than it may sound, a carbon footprint is the amount of carbon … Glossary of climate change acronyms and terms. These terms go hand-in-hand while navigating through the climate crisis, but they mean very different things. Climate change may be due … In 2007, the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC authoritatively established that human-induced climate change is accelerating and already has severe impacts on the environment and human lives.2 Although there is not a mono-causal relation between climate change, disasters, A variation in climate measured over several decades or longer usually observed by temperature. An easy way to remember the differ-ence is that climate is what you expect, like a hot summer, and weather is what you get, like a cool day in August. Introduction The Victorian Government recognises that climate change is one of the most critical issues facing Victoria. Sea-level rise as it relates to climate change is caused by two major factors. activities on climate change. In recent decades, concern has grown over the issue of global climate change caused by Climate change refers to significant changes in global temperature, precipitation, wind patterns and other measures of climate that occur over several decades or longer. Getty Images / David McNew / Stringer. One aspect that has been greatly affected by climate change is the weather. This publication is a resource for specialists and generalists alike: it brings together the resources on migration, environment and climate change that IOM has developed over the years. First, land cover--as shaped by land use practices--affects the global concentration of greenhouse gases. It represents the first of two volumes of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, mandated by the Global Change … A Kyoto Protocol unit equal to 1 metric tonne of CO2 equivalent. IOM Outlook on Migration, Environment and Climate Change aims to bring together in one easy-to-access reference document the knowledge accrued by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and to present IOM’s role, understanding and approach to environmental migration. Terms of Reference Capacity training expert for climate change adaptation in MPAs Background of the consultation The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) has identified the Mediterranean region as a climate change hotspot: mean temperatures are expected to … Yes, but this time humans are changing it. Terminology Somerville, R. C., & Hassol, S. J. Adaptive capacity The ability of a person, asset, or system to adjust to a hazard, take advantage of new opportunities, or cope with change. The IPCC in its report Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (2012) notes that climate extremes, or even a series of non-extreme events, in combination with social vulnerabilities and exposure to risks can produce climate … Climate change is defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as “any change in the climate over time, whether due to natural variability or […] human activity.” 6 However, the Get started by learning the difference between climate change, global warming, and more. [See also global change] Assigned amount unit. Climate change: (a) The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as: “a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g., by using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically … 2 Corporate climate claims and future climate commitments vary significantly between companies, both in terminology and meaning. Wallace a L. Jespersen b Climate change. Climate change . Prepared by Ausenco Sandwell for the British Columbia Ministry of Environment. Most “climate sceptics”, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence, deny climate change is happening, or is caused by human activity, so ‘denier’ is more accurate. The broader concept of adaptation also applies to non-climatic factors such as soil erosion or surface subsidence. One Health and Climate Change This change in environmental conditions and habitats creates new opportunities for the transmission of diseases to animals and from animals to … Climate change is an emerging and growing field of practice for the international public health community. Key variations behind these claims include: type of pollutants Kyoto climate change negotiations. The term is frequently used interchangeably with the term climate change… Climate change has affected many aspects of our planet. en.pdf 4. Climate context Climate change … Each Annex I Party issues AAUs up to the level of its assigned amount, established pursuant to Article 3, paragraphs 7 and 8, of the Kyoto Protocol. PAGE 1 01 Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Climate change and disaster risk reduction are closely linked. As practitioners, researchers and policy-makers grapple with the local health impacts of climate change, there is an increasing need to clarify key terminology to support public health actors engage and respond in ways that … Climate change can thus be viewed as a public good issue, requiring collaborative action to develop adequate policies. CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE Scientists have been aware since the nineteenth century of the planetary impacts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In reading this chapter, it needs to be borne in mind . stated in “limate hange Effects- Where to Students will generate a well-reasoned conclusion in a two-page paper in which they identify a "good" Internet source and a "bad" Internet source, using IL source evaluation terminology (outlined in CRAAP) to guide their writing. Adaptation can occur in autonomous fashion, for example through year by a person, family, building, organization, or company. Second, while land use change is an important driver of climate change, a changing climate can lead to changes in land use and land cover. climate change. Representing the perspectives of their peers from high schools in 13 countries, this youth group presented a White Paper to an audience of scientists and II. PDF | Climate change scenarios project higher flood risk, so knowing how households can increase socio-ecological resilience is essential. Part of free series of lessons about environmental issues for English language students. Working on climate change adaptation requires understanding of a broad range of key concepts in a field of knowledge and practise that is in continuous development. Means this is pure politics. Glossary. In general, there are four common scenarios to prevent the global warming effect of CO2 in the atmosphere … The foods we eat and take for granted are threatened. Climate change occurs in response to changes in some aspect of Earth’s environment: these include regular changes in Earth’s orbit about the sun, re-arrangement of continents through plate Conflicts and contradictions are noted with the aim of sensitizing different bodies to the differences, but particularly the Parties to the Convention and experts participating … Then ve main candidates for a de nition of climate (and the derivative de nitions of climate change) will be discussed. Climate Change Perception . Human health has always been influenced by climate and weather.Changes in climate and climate variability, particularly changes in weather extremes, affect the environment that provides us with clean air, food, water, shelter, and security. A climate change unlike any other. Climate change, the periodic modification of Earth’s climate caused by atmospheric changes and the atmosphere’s interactions with geologic, chemical, biological, and geographic factors. This climate change glossary explains 10 key terms and definitions you need to know to be prepared to advocate on behalf of the planet. The topic of climate change and migration attracts a strong following from the media and produces an increase in academic literature and reports from international governmental institutions and NGOs. And if the Cult of Climatology had to use defined terms,as is normal in scientific enquiry,they would fade away. Climate models in recent economics and social science research 2.1 The science of modeling climate change A basic overview of climate science models and terminology is useful before we discuss the recent economics literature on the impacts of climate change. Adaptation is the task of modifying ecological and social systems to accommodate climate change impacts, such as accelerated … SUSTAINABILITY. The seas are rising. The fingerprint of climate change is detected from any single day in the observed global record since early 2012, and since 1999 on the basis of a year of data. SAEO report. The planet has experienced long cold periods ("ice ages") and warm periods ("interglacials") on 100,000-year cycles for at least … Carbon Neutral:A combination of efficiency improvements (resulting in reduced Carbon Dioxide emissions), and purchases of carbon offsets that balance 100% of a carbon footprint. An English vocabulary list of useful words and phrases to talk about global warming, the greenhouse effect and other issues that relate to climate change, with clear and simple explanations and examples for illustration. Global climate negotiations, conducted within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change … This glossary gives an overview of current climate change terminology and is separated into four areas: 1. Climate change threatens the access to clean air, safe drinking water, nutritious food and safe shelter of humans and animals alike. Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. climate uncertainty should be incorporated into future research. Given the simple climate model (Section 2), ve main desiderata on a de nition of climate will be presented (Section 3). In UNFCC usage, climate change refers to a change in climate that is attributable directly or indirectly to human activity that alters atmospheric composition. that climate change is a cross-cutting issue, and thus considerations of climate change are presented in a number climate change denial. Carbon Accounting and Management 4. This change may be due to natural or human‐induced causes. By referring to the ve desiderata, their bene ts and problems will be analysed (Sections 4-5). Because it is causing new weather extremes and fatal catastrophes, climate change is better termed climate disruption. Abrupt Climate Change: Definition: Sudden (on the order of decades), large changes in some major component of the climate system, with rapid, widespread effects. climate change and is sourced from the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Or it could be a change in a place's usual temperature for a month or season. As more and more people live in locations high-ly vulnerable to disasters and other climate change Carbon & Climate Science 2. They will then explain why the good source should be used to investigate the chosen topic, … Our governance, strategy, risk management framework and KPIs have been complemented and improved throughout 2019. Climate change encompasses both increases and decreases in temperature, as well as shifts in precipitation, changing risk of certain types of severe weather events, and changes to other features of the climate system. Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere. “No net increases in carbon dioxide in the air.” “To balance out or compensate for carbon dioxide we put in the air.” Use simple wording referring to context of climate change action. The sun is the major source of energy for the planet. 4 FINDINGS Impacts from climate change are already being felt in Rhode Island, like elsewhere in New England. Climate change is a better choice than the term global warming because it avoids the misleading implica- As this research field is multidisciplinary, this chapter is a solid foundation for scholars from different disciplines to be able to speak a common language. More extreme weather events in future are likely to increase the number and scale of disasters, while at the same time, the existing methods and tools of disaster risk reduction provide powerful capacities for adaptation to climate change. Let us start by learning a few tricky terms that we may need to explain Climate Change better. Climate Change and Social Inequality* ... and terminology employed may not conform to United ... lish_2-09.pdf), Heinrich Boll Foundation, Berlin 2009. First, … Ar. Terms of Reference 1. The link between land use and the climate is complex. Climate migration: The movement of a person or groups of persons who, predominantly for reasons of sudden or progressive change in the environment due to climate change, are obliged to leave their habitual place of residence, or choose to do so, either temporarily or permanently, within a State or across an … Global warming this guide uses the term climate change to refer to the chang-es that are occurring in the earth’s climate system and the im-pacts such changes are having on eco-systems and society. In this scenario, the global economy would be 18% smaller than in a world without warming, reinforcing the imperative of, if anything, more action on climate change. Climate change. Climate change is an urgent problem. Climate change … Climate Change is the biggest emerging environmental challenge to date. of climate change on food security in India that is already under threat due to various other reasons. Reflecting the understanding that climate change could be part of an even larger picture, when the US Global Change Research Program was approved in 1989, climate research was a key theme area. To propose a widely variant version, or total removal, please create a new section below, following what's been done before. A persons carbon footprint includes greenhouse gas emissions from fuel that an individual burns In Romania, for instance, extreme weather events have multiplied since 2002. urghila et al. assessing the impacts of, and vulnerability and adaptation to, climate change 13 See more. natural variability or as a result of human activity. He strongly advocates adaptation to climate change through 4. soil and water conservation. The negotiations are now more than 20 years old, and have developed a language all of their own. climate observed over different periods of time (100 years, 1,000 years) may vary considerably. The Government is committed to positioning Victoria as a leader in responding to climate change; by mitigating risks and adapting to its impacts. It poses questions that point to the core of social and environmental developments of the 21st century, such as environmental and climate … Climate change is an emerging and growing field of practice for the international public health community. change actions or climate change policies. Carbon Footprint. The atmosphere In the case of climate change, such action needs to involve all … The climate risk literature defines climate risk as the function of climate hazards, vulnerability, and exposure, meaning, in short, that climate risk is constituted by an interaction between socioeconomic processes and climate change . climate change and adaptation 8 2.1 the need for adaptation 8 2.2 adaptation and the unfccc 10 iii. Reports Global Warming of 1.5°C All Chapters Graphics. The result is a rich overview of the Organization’s understanding of migration, environment and climate change, Carbon Trading and International Mechanisms Terms in bold italics in each paragraph are defined elsewhere in this document Thousands of politicians, diplomats, and NGOs are currently meeting in Lima, Peru, as part of an international process to agree a global response to climate change. Assets Appendix A – Definitions, Terminology and Acronyms ... 3 “Draft Policy Discussion Paper - Climate Change Adaptation Guidelines for Sea Dikes and Coastal Flood Hazard Land Use in BC. 3.4 Staff and managers exposed to specialized training programs on climate change … Climate change is also a change in Earth's climate. Climate change, together with other natural and human-made health stressors, … Common Climate Myths • Climate has changed before….. Note added by Abd (talk) 13:22, 18 October 2008 (UTC) Climate Change vs. Browse our site menus for … rise by 3.2°C by mid-century, with society doing nothing to combat climate change. It requires action now, not just in the future. On March 22, 2018, 14 high school students between the ages of 13 and 17 made history. “Global warming” became the dominant popular term in June 1988, when NASA scientist James E. Hansen testified to Congress about climate … 3 environment and climate change IOM is committed to the fight against climate change and supports communities in adaptation efforts to current and future environmental and climate challenges. Climate change is a change of the composition of the global atmosphere, observed over some time, and in comparison to other periods, as a direct or indirect result of human activity. This could be a change in Earth's usual temperature. The climate change agenda has risen substantially in global and national importance and the topic has thus been given a dedicated chapter in this 2. nd. unfccc climate change: impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation in developing countries i. introduction 5 ii. Terminology UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change COP21 - Congress of the Parties 21 Blue Zone – The Conference Center, requiring party, observer or media credentials Green Zone … She makes reasons for … climate change Includes both global warming and its effects, such as changes to precipitation, rising sea levels, and impacts that differ by region. The main themes and findings from the consultations are synthesized in this exec-utive summary. Climate Science Special Report Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA4), Volume I This report is an authoritative assessment of the science of climate change, with a focus on the United States. Sea-Level Rise. Jyoti Parikh has identified the special vulnerabilities of women to climate change. Within this overarching definition, a multitude of categorizations exist. Aanchal Rawal 1. • An overview of climate change science and its effects • A detailed look at how climate change is expected to impact Oakville • Specific information and links to programs and incentives that will help you increase your personal resilience to the impacts of climate change • A glossary of climate change terminology used in this Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. The shift is measured by changes in features associated with average weather, such as temperature, wind patterns and precipitation. Climate Change is a long-term shift in the climate of a specific location, region or planet. description, of the climate system. Climate change Climate change refers to a statistically significant variation in either the mean state of the climate or in its variability, persisting for an extended period (typically decades or longer). In its 2012 report, the limate hange ommission concluded that “The impacts of climate change upon Rhode Island’s built and natural environments are wide-ranging, Energy, Technology and Renewables 3. According to the Committee on Climate Change, adaptation is defined as an “adjustment of behavior to limit harm, or exploit beneficial opportunities, arising from climate change” (2010, p. 60). If indeed the effects of climate change are likely to be severe, it is in everyone’s interest to lower emissions for the common good. Note: this version may be edited to propose changes to the working version. In other words, climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among others, that occur over several decades or longer. 1. Climate change mitigation means avoiding and reducing emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to prevent the planet from warming to more extreme temperatures. adaptation terms and concepts used by the climate change community and other institutions. “To stop climate change (from getting worse).” Avoid confusion with zero carbon, spell out carbon dioxide. climate change feedback A natural phenomenon that may increase or decrease the warming that eventually results from a change in radiative forcing. In May 2019, The Guardian announced that it was changing the language used around environmental issues. 2. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects that the average surface temperature of the Earth is likely to increase by 3.2 °F to 7.2 °F (1.8 °C to 4.0 °C) by the end of the 21st century, relative to 1980-1990 (IPCC, 2007c). Climate change definition, a long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature: Melting glaciers imply that life in the Arctic is affected by climate change. As practitioners, researchers and policy-makers grapple with the local health impacts of climate change, there is an increasing need to clarify key terminology to support public health actors engage and respond in ways that promote intersectoral collaboration. Climate change (a) The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines climate change as: “a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g., by using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer. Conflicts and contradictions are noted with the aim of sensitizing different bodies to the differences, but particularly the Parties to the Convention and experts participating in the IPCC. This reference … Rev 0”. global climate change and reports results from an in-depth study of public climate change risk perceptions, policy preferences and individual behaviors in the United States. and Climate Change: Consolidating Good Practices and Preparing for the Future in Sanremo, Italy, from 12-14 March 2014. The Economics of Global Climate Change 1. A. AAU. Climate Change and the Coffee Industry SC-10-174.E v Short-term mitigation strategies include calculating and reducing the on-farm carbon footprint, and determining the feasibility of creating carbon sinks. Climate Change (noun) - a significant and persistent change in the mean state of the climate or its variability. 2. The planet has experienced climate change before: the Earth’s average temperature has fluctuated throughout the planet’s 4.54 billion-year history. This could be a change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year. This paper examines the key terms and concepts used by the climate change community and other institutions. The very looseness of terminology used in Global Warming and Climate Change is all they have. Integrating climate change adaptation into development planning 7 1 Introduction to the course Adapting to climate change is a rapidly growing challenge, particularly for developing coun-tries. 3.) 434 Publications in review / Annals of Tourism Research 40 (2013) 434–448 435 Chapter 1 introduces concepts and terminology of tourism and climate change. Climate change is seen as the biggest challenge to the future of human life on Earth, and understanding the scientific language used to describe it can sometimes feel just as difficult. Here’s our guide to the key terms. Glossary of Terms E-1 Appendix E: Glossary of Terms Term Definition Adaptation The process of adjusting to new (climate) conditions in order to reduce risks to valued assets. Climate feedback. 1.1. Changes in climate lead to changes in weather patterns including extremes. Common examples include Carbon Neutral, Climate Neutral, Net Zero, Climate Positive, Climate Negative, and 100% Green. 2. climate change. Terminology and the understanding of culture, climate, and behavioural change – Impact of organisational and human factors on food safety management Author links open overlay panel N. Sharman a C.A. Bending the curve to flatten the upward trajectory of pollution emissions responsible for climate disruption is essential in order to protect billions of people from this global … Climate change is the catch-all term for the shift in worldwide weather phenomena associated with an increase in … Loosely defined, climate is the average weather at a distinct place that incorporates temperature, precipitation, and other features. Climate Sensitivity: The average global air surface temperature change resulting from a doubling of pre-industrial atmospheric CO averages of daily weather are used to monitor climate. We are aware, however, that significant challenges remain ahead to build a fully comprehensive and robust climate-related risk management framework. Changes in average weather conditions that persist over multiple decades or longer. The key difference is that it will no longer use the term Climate Change Climate change refers to any significant change in the measures of climate lasting for an extended period of time. Adaptation: … GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE Background Scientific identification of anthropogenic climate change and assessments of the potential consequences date back nearly 200 years. Term; 100-Year Flood Levels: Definition: Severe flood levels with a one-in-100 likelihood of occurring in any given year. Climate Feedback

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Amennyiben Önt letartóztatják, előállítják, akkor egy meggondolatlan mondat vagy ésszerűtlen döntés később az eljárás folyamán óriási hátrányt okozhat Önnek.

Tapasztalatom szerint már a kihallgatás első percei is óriási pszichikai nyomást jelentenek a terhelt számára, pedig a „tiszta fejre” és meggondolt viselkedésre ilyenkor óriási szükség van. Ez az a helyzet, ahol Ön nem hibázhat, nem kockáztathat, nagyon fontos, hogy már elsőre jól döntsön!

Védőként én nem csupán segítek Önnek az eljárás folyamán az eljárási cselekmények elvégzésében (beadvány szerkesztés, jelenlét a kihallgatásokon stb.) hanem egy kézben tartva mérem fel lehetőségeit, kidolgozom védelmének precíz stratégiáit, majd ennek alapján határozom meg azt az eszközrendszert, amellyel végig képviselhetem Önt és eredményül elérhetem, hogy semmiképp ne érje indokolatlan hátrány a büntetőeljárás következményeként.

Védőügyvédjeként én nem csupán bástyaként védem érdekeit a hatóságokkal szemben és dolgozom védelmének stratégiáján, hanem nagy hangsúlyt fektetek az Ön folyamatos tájékoztatására, egyben enyhítve esetleges kilátástalannak tűnő helyzetét is.

Polgári jog

Jogi tanácsadás, ügyintézés. Peren kívüli megegyezések teljes körű lebonyolítása. Megállapodások, szerződések és az ezekhez kapcsolódó dokumentációk megszerkesztése, ellenjegyzése. Bíróságok és más hatóságok előtti teljes körű jogi képviselet különösen az alábbi területeken:


Ingatlan tulajdonjogának átruházáshoz kapcsolódó szerződések (adásvétel, ajándékozás, csere, stb.) elkészítése és ügyvédi ellenjegyzése, valamint teljes körű jogi tanácsadás és földhivatal és adóhatóság előtti jogi képviselet.

Bérleti szerződések szerkesztése és ellenjegyzése.

Ingatlan átminősítése során jogi képviselet ellátása.

Közös tulajdonú ingatlanokkal kapcsolatos ügyek, jogviták, valamint a közös tulajdon megszüntetésével kapcsolatos ügyekben való jogi képviselet ellátása.

Társasház alapítása, alapító okiratok megszerkesztése, társasházak állandó és eseti jogi képviselete, jogi tanácsadás.

Ingatlanokhoz kapcsolódó haszonélvezeti-, használati-, szolgalmi jog alapítása vagy megszüntetése során jogi képviselet ellátása, ezekkel kapcsolatos okiratok szerkesztése.

Ingatlanokkal kapcsolatos birtokviták, valamint elbirtoklási ügyekben való ügyvédi képviselet.

Az illetékes földhivatalok előtti teljes körű képviselet és ügyintézés.

Társasági jog

Cégalapítási és változásbejegyzési eljárásban, továbbá végelszámolási eljárásban teljes körű jogi képviselet ellátása, okiratok szerkesztése és ellenjegyzése

Tulajdonrész, illetve üzletrész adásvételi szerződések megszerkesztése és ügyvédi ellenjegyzése.

Állandó, komplex képviselet

Még mindig él a cégvezetőkben az a tévképzet, hogy ügyvédet választani egy vállalkozás vagy társaság számára elegendő akkor, ha bíróságra kell menni.

Semmivel sem árthat annyit cége nehezen elért sikereinek, mint, ha megfelelő jogi képviselet nélkül hagyná vállalatát!

Irodámban egyedi megállapodás alapján lehetőség van állandó megbízás megkötésére, melynek keretében folyamatosan együtt tudunk működni, bármilyen felmerülő kérdés probléma esetén kereshet személyesen vagy telefonon is.  Ennek nem csupán az az előnye, hogy Ön állandó ügyfelemként előnyt élvez majd időpont-egyeztetéskor, hanem ennél sokkal fontosabb, hogy az Ön cégét megismerve személyesen kezeskedem arról, hogy tevékenysége folyamatosan a törvényesség talaján maradjon. Megismerve az Ön cégének munkafolyamatait és folyamatosan együttműködve vezetőséggel a jogi tudást igénylő helyzeteket nem csupán utólag tudjuk kezelni, akkor, amikor már „ég a ház”, hanem előre felkészülve gondoskodhatunk arról, hogy Önt ne érhesse meglepetés.
