West Coast Regional Office, N Hood River County Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Gilliam County Filter Results. NOAA Fisheries . This webinar is presented by NOAA’s Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region and Northwest Fisheries Science Center The new book ORCA: Shared Waters, Shared Home, due out in June 2021, describes how NOAA Fisheries scientists seek to unravel connections between endangered Southern Resident killer whales, threatened Puget Sound … The U.S. Coast Guard is provided information on vessels selected for coverage for their boarding operations. Washington, Oregon and California Departments of Fish and Wildlife and from NOAA’s West Coast Regional Office’s permit lists in order to place observers on vessels as specified in the federal register and the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Endangered Species Act (ESA) for Snake River sockeye salmon (58 FR 68543, December... HTML; PDF; Oregon Coast Coho Salmon Critical Habitat GIS … Snake River Sockeye Salmon Critical Habitat . NOAA Fisheries’ West Coast Region, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, and Southwest Fisheries Science Center work together to apply the latest science to sustainably manage the rich marine resources of the region for generations to come. Jeremy Cram – Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife . Ryan Couch – NOAA Office of General Counsel . Three of the buildings provide offices and laboratory facilities for NOAA components and a fourth is a multipurpose auditorium. There is also an employee services center and a heated warehouse building with various shops. More information can be found in a short history of the planning and development of the center. West Coast and Alaska Regional Office MRIP Fact Sheet U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Fisheries is an agency within the Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Sacramento, CA 95814 . The complete Western Regional Center consists of nine buildings which contain 473,938 square feet and a vessel staging pier. Office: NOAA Fisheries, Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office, Gloucester, Massachusetts . These data depict the freshwater habitat areas designated as critical habitat under the U.S. 1998 NASA/NOAA/USGS Fall ATM Lidar: East Coast (SC, NC, VA) About: … These data depict the freshwater habitat areas designated as critical habitat under the U.S. West Coast Regional Office. Tim Copeland – Idaho Department of Fish and Game . The office has responsibility for salmon, steelhead trout, and green sturgeon conservation and recovery in the geographic region from the San Francisco Bay east including waters of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and its tributaries to their headwaters in the Sierras. Preview. Sacramento River Winter-run Critical Habitat depicts areas designated for Chinook Salmon Critical Habitat in the Sacramento River Winter-run Evolutionarily Significant Unit... HTML; PDF; TTVP Audit Database. Tags: DOC/NOAA/NMFS/WCRO > West Coast Regional Office, N Filter Results. Sign up for our newsletter. This plan will guide internal decisionmaking and resource allocation. NOAA seal: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Summer 2. Jennifer Steger, Northwest and Alaska Region Supervisor, NOAA Restoration Center. West Coast Region: Maritime Heritage Chumash paddle tomol in the Channel Islands Sanctuary (Schwemmer/NOAA). Is Guinness Good For Beer Batter, Oligohydramnios Causes What Fetal Anomalies, Zizzi Ergonomic Chair, What Tier Is Rainham Kent In, Spirit Of Queensland Seating Plan, Degenerate Hyperbola Example, " /> West Coast Regional Office, N Hood River County Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Gilliam County Filter Results. NOAA Fisheries . This webinar is presented by NOAA’s Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region and Northwest Fisheries Science Center The new book ORCA: Shared Waters, Shared Home, due out in June 2021, describes how NOAA Fisheries scientists seek to unravel connections between endangered Southern Resident killer whales, threatened Puget Sound … The U.S. Coast Guard is provided information on vessels selected for coverage for their boarding operations. Washington, Oregon and California Departments of Fish and Wildlife and from NOAA’s West Coast Regional Office’s permit lists in order to place observers on vessels as specified in the federal register and the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Endangered Species Act (ESA) for Snake River sockeye salmon (58 FR 68543, December... HTML; PDF; Oregon Coast Coho Salmon Critical Habitat GIS … Snake River Sockeye Salmon Critical Habitat . NOAA Fisheries’ West Coast Region, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, and Southwest Fisheries Science Center work together to apply the latest science to sustainably manage the rich marine resources of the region for generations to come. Jeremy Cram – Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife . Ryan Couch – NOAA Office of General Counsel . Three of the buildings provide offices and laboratory facilities for NOAA components and a fourth is a multipurpose auditorium. There is also an employee services center and a heated warehouse building with various shops. More information can be found in a short history of the planning and development of the center. West Coast and Alaska Regional Office MRIP Fact Sheet U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Fisheries is an agency within the Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Sacramento, CA 95814 . The complete Western Regional Center consists of nine buildings which contain 473,938 square feet and a vessel staging pier. Office: NOAA Fisheries, Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office, Gloucester, Massachusetts . These data depict the freshwater habitat areas designated as critical habitat under the U.S. 1998 NASA/NOAA/USGS Fall ATM Lidar: East Coast (SC, NC, VA) About: … These data depict the freshwater habitat areas designated as critical habitat under the U.S. West Coast Regional Office. Tim Copeland – Idaho Department of Fish and Game . The office has responsibility for salmon, steelhead trout, and green sturgeon conservation and recovery in the geographic region from the San Francisco Bay east including waters of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and its tributaries to their headwaters in the Sierras. Preview. Sacramento River Winter-run Critical Habitat depicts areas designated for Chinook Salmon Critical Habitat in the Sacramento River Winter-run Evolutionarily Significant Unit... HTML; PDF; TTVP Audit Database. Tags: DOC/NOAA/NMFS/WCRO > West Coast Regional Office, N Filter Results. Sign up for our newsletter. This plan will guide internal decisionmaking and resource allocation. NOAA seal: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Summer 2. Jennifer Steger, Northwest and Alaska Region Supervisor, NOAA Restoration Center. West Coast Region: Maritime Heritage Chumash paddle tomol in the Channel Islands Sanctuary (Schwemmer/NOAA). Is Guinness Good For Beer Batter, Oligohydramnios Causes What Fetal Anomalies, Zizzi Ergonomic Chair, What Tier Is Rainham Kent In, Spirit Of Queensland Seating Plan, Degenerate Hyperbola Example, " /> West Coast Regional Office, N Hood River County Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Gilliam County Filter Results. NOAA Fisheries . This webinar is presented by NOAA’s Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region and Northwest Fisheries Science Center The new book ORCA: Shared Waters, Shared Home, due out in June 2021, describes how NOAA Fisheries scientists seek to unravel connections between endangered Southern Resident killer whales, threatened Puget Sound … The U.S. Coast Guard is provided information on vessels selected for coverage for their boarding operations. Washington, Oregon and California Departments of Fish and Wildlife and from NOAA’s West Coast Regional Office’s permit lists in order to place observers on vessels as specified in the federal register and the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Endangered Species Act (ESA) for Snake River sockeye salmon (58 FR 68543, December... HTML; PDF; Oregon Coast Coho Salmon Critical Habitat GIS … Snake River Sockeye Salmon Critical Habitat . NOAA Fisheries’ West Coast Region, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, and Southwest Fisheries Science Center work together to apply the latest science to sustainably manage the rich marine resources of the region for generations to come. Jeremy Cram – Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife . Ryan Couch – NOAA Office of General Counsel . Three of the buildings provide offices and laboratory facilities for NOAA components and a fourth is a multipurpose auditorium. There is also an employee services center and a heated warehouse building with various shops. More information can be found in a short history of the planning and development of the center. West Coast and Alaska Regional Office MRIP Fact Sheet U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Fisheries is an agency within the Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Sacramento, CA 95814 . The complete Western Regional Center consists of nine buildings which contain 473,938 square feet and a vessel staging pier. Office: NOAA Fisheries, Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office, Gloucester, Massachusetts . These data depict the freshwater habitat areas designated as critical habitat under the U.S. 1998 NASA/NOAA/USGS Fall ATM Lidar: East Coast (SC, NC, VA) About: … These data depict the freshwater habitat areas designated as critical habitat under the U.S. West Coast Regional Office. Tim Copeland – Idaho Department of Fish and Game . The office has responsibility for salmon, steelhead trout, and green sturgeon conservation and recovery in the geographic region from the San Francisco Bay east including waters of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and its tributaries to their headwaters in the Sierras. Preview. Sacramento River Winter-run Critical Habitat depicts areas designated for Chinook Salmon Critical Habitat in the Sacramento River Winter-run Evolutionarily Significant Unit... HTML; PDF; TTVP Audit Database. Tags: DOC/NOAA/NMFS/WCRO > West Coast Regional Office, N Filter Results. Sign up for our newsletter. This plan will guide internal decisionmaking and resource allocation. NOAA seal: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Summer 2. Jennifer Steger, Northwest and Alaska Region Supervisor, NOAA Restoration Center. West Coast Region: Maritime Heritage Chumash paddle tomol in the Channel Islands Sanctuary (Schwemmer/NOAA). Is Guinness Good For Beer Batter, Oligohydramnios Causes What Fetal Anomalies, Zizzi Ergonomic Chair, What Tier Is Rainham Kent In, Spirit Of Queensland Seating Plan, Degenerate Hyperbola Example, " />

noaa west coast regional office

EarthViews worked with partners Quileute Tribe Natural Resources to create an immersive, virtual map of the Quillayute River - a remote location critical to salmon production and the host of multiple restoration projects. Jeremy Rusin, Deputy Director, Alaska Fisheries Science Center. 2. NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the earth’s environment and conserve and … School: University of … 2019-Sept. 2019 . 2019. Silver Spring, MD. Tags: DOC/NOAA/NMFS/WCRO > West Coast Regional Office, N Endangered Species Act Filter Results. Therese Conant – National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources . These three offices are part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service. Dan Simon, Deputy Director, Marine Operations. 650 Capitol Mall, Suite 5-100 . 7600 Sand Point Way, Seattle, WA NOAA's Western Regional Center (WRC) is located in Seattle on Lake Washington, adjacent to Seattle's Warren G. Magnuson Park. NOAA Fisheries. Ocean Exploration Trust The Exploration Vessel Nautilus … Download. Patty Dornbusch – National Marine Fisheries Service, West Coast Region . The West Coast Region’s Area Offices —California Coastal, California Central Valley, Interior Columbia Basin, and Oregon and Washington Coastal—carry out integrated watershed-based approaches by focusing on the conservation of anadromous fish, their habitats, and the ecosystems on … 1201 Northeast Lloyd Boulevard, Suite 1100. Laurie Beale – NOAA Office of the General Counsel . Together we work to advance the science and … We’re funding four projects designed to enhance recreational fisheries engagement and restore #habitat through the coastal National Fish Habitat Partnership. Fax: (503) 231-6893. . Host Location and Contact Information: West Coast Regional Aquaculture Coordinator, California . 2019 2nd Quarter West Coast Region Sanctuary Advisory Council Report Apr. TurtleWatch - A product produced by NOAA's Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center to provides up-to-date information about the thermal habitat of loggerhead sea turtles in the Pacific Ocean north of the Hawaiian Islands. . The West Coast Region’s Area Offices —California Coastal, California Central Valley, Interior Columbia Basin, and Oregon and Washington Coastal—carry out integrated watershed-based approaches by focusing on the conservation of anadromous fish, their habitats, and the ecosystems on which they depend. These four Area Offices advance the WCR’s mission by conserving anadromous fish, their habitats, and the ecosystems on which they depend. Skip to main content Unsupported Browser Detected ... West Coast Region. Scott Rumsey, Deputy Regional Administrator, Fisheries West Coast Region. Regional Nodes - Hosted at NOAA line offices located around the country, the distribution of the Regional Nodes allows for the development of satellite products and scientific expertise that are of regional importance. Order by. Rebecca Smyth, West Coast Regional Director, Office for Coastal Management. We are responsible for supporting sustainable fisheries, recovering and conserving protected species, such as whales and seals, and promoting healthy ecosystems and resilient Alaska coastal communities. Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries. 25 datasets found Formats: PDF Tags: DOC/NOAA/NMFS/WCRO > West Coast Regional Office, N Salmonid Pacific Endangered Species Act Filter Results. NOAA Fisheries West Coast - Science & Management NOAA Fisheries West Coast - Science & Management represents NOAA Fisheries West Coast Regional Office, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, and Southwest Fisheries Science Center. Shanna Dunn – National Marine Fisheries Service, West Coast Region The website provides coastal data, and the tools, training, and information needed to … NOAA Fisheries - Office of Aquaculture, West Coast Region Sea Grant Fellow Opportunity Host Location and Contact Information: West Coast Regional Aquaculture Coordinator, California . 650 Capitol Mall, Suite 5-100 . Check this out! Custom Download; Bulk Download; EPT NOAA; Metadata. David Crouse – National Marine Fisheries Service, West Coast Region . Office of Science and Technology, NMFS, NOAA. Blane Bellerud – National Marine Fisheries Service, West Coast Region . 1998 NASA/NOAA/USGS ATM Lidar: West Coast, Post-El Nino (CA, OR, WA) About: Coastal Topographic Lidar ; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Geological Survey. The complete Western Regional Center consists of nine buildings which contain 473,938 square feet and a vessel staging pier. Three of the buildings provide offices and laboratory facilities for NOAA components and a fourth is a multipurpose auditorium. There is also an employee services center and a heated warehouse building with various shops. Formats: HTML Tags: DOC/NOAA/NMFS/WCRO > West Coast Regional Office, N Benton County Endangered Species Act Filter Results. West Coast Regional Office 2007 Accomplishments The West Coast Regional office (WCRO) of NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) oversees management of and fosters co-ordination among the five national marine sanc-tuaries of the west coast, which together protect 12,067 square miles of ocean and coastal waters Office: NOAA Fisheries, West Coast Regional Office, Portland, Oregon. Go. Project Title: Marine aquaculture resource inventory for the Greater Atlantic Region. 15,333 square miles of marine protected areas around Channel Islands, Cordell Bank, Greater Farallones, Monterey Bay and Olympic Coast. West Coast Regional Office (Seattle, WA) – Alicia Keefe, Education and Outreach Coordinator: ... Camp is a highly-regarded, collaborative science program for middle school and high school-aged youth, held at the NOAA Western Regional Center in Seattle, WA, where scientists interact directly with camp participants to demonstrate how NOAA's multidisciplinary research addresses … Sacramento, CA 95814 . 2019 3rd Quarter West Coast Region Sanctuary Advisory Council Report Jul. As a result of the recommendations from the sanctuary advisory council resolutions, The West Coast Regional Office of NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries created a West Coast Ocean Acidification Task Force to take action on the resolutions. NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management provides the technology, information, and management strategies used by local, state, and national organizations to address complex coastal issues. Our mission at NOAA Fisheries Alaska Regional Office is the science-based stewardship of Alaska’s marine resources and their habitats in the Gulf of Alaska, eastern Bering Sea, and Arctic oceans. The West Coast Ocean Alliance is a regional partnership focused on enhanced management and coordination for the ocean along the West Coast of the U.S. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute MBARI’s mission is to achieve and maintain a position as a world center for advanced research and education in ocean science and technology. Endangered Species Act (ESA) for Snake River … NOAA has a multi-faceted role in aquaculture, from supporting science and research to federal policy-making and regulation. The West Coast Region works closely with regional tribes, states, the aquaculture industry and non-governmental organizations, to improve and expand opportunities to grow marine products, such as fish and shellfish. Phone: (503) 230-5400. The task force includes one staff member from each of the five west coast national marine sanctuaries across all of the major program … Daniel Bertram – Upper Salmon Basin Watershed Program . United States Department of Commerce United States Department of Commerce Office of Marine & Aviation Operations (OMAO) parent organizations These data depict the freshwater habitat areas designated as critical habitat under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) for Snake River sockeye salmon (58 FR 68543, December... HTML; PDF; Oregon Coast Coho … NOAA Data Catalog. NOAA Program & Office: NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) Description: "This strategic plan for the West Coast Region (WCR) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) identifies our priorities for the next five years (2016 to 2020). Snake River Sockeye Salmon Critical Habitat. Find contact information for NOAA Fisheries' West Coast Regional Office. The Digital Coast was developed to meet the unique needs of the coastal management community. 2019-Jun. NOAA's national marine sanctuary offices and visitor centers are currently closed to the public, and in accordance with ... West Coast Region Quarterly Sanctuary Advisory Council Actions Calendar Year 2019. The West Coast Region (WCR) includes four Area Offices - the California Coastal, California Central Valley, Interior Columbia Basin, and Oregon and Washington Coastal Area Offices. 199 p. Habitat Assessment Prioritization For the West Coast Report of the Northwest and Southwest Regional Habitat Assessment Prioritization Working Groups September 2014 Kristan Blackhart, editor Northwest Regional Habitat Assessment Working Group Members: Katie Barnas, Richard Brodeur, Robert Emmett, Correigh … Snake River Sockeye Salmon Critical Habitat. Sign Up Now! S. upervisor & Point of Contact for prospective fellows and finalists: Diane Windham. West Coast Regional Office Permits NOAA Fisheries implemented a license limitation program for the trawl and fixed gear sectors of Pacific Coast commercial groundfish fishery on January 1, 1993. Thomas Cooney – NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center . Supervisor & Point of Contact for prospective fellows and finalists: Diane Windham Project Title: Tribal relations in the NMFS West Coast Regional Office. Home; Datasets; Submit . Tags: DOC/NOAA/NMFS/WCRO > West Coast Regional Office, N Hood River County Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Gilliam County Filter Results. NOAA Fisheries . This webinar is presented by NOAA’s Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region and Northwest Fisheries Science Center The new book ORCA: Shared Waters, Shared Home, due out in June 2021, describes how NOAA Fisheries scientists seek to unravel connections between endangered Southern Resident killer whales, threatened Puget Sound … The U.S. Coast Guard is provided information on vessels selected for coverage for their boarding operations. Washington, Oregon and California Departments of Fish and Wildlife and from NOAA’s West Coast Regional Office’s permit lists in order to place observers on vessels as specified in the federal register and the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. Endangered Species Act (ESA) for Snake River sockeye salmon (58 FR 68543, December... HTML; PDF; Oregon Coast Coho Salmon Critical Habitat GIS … Snake River Sockeye Salmon Critical Habitat . NOAA Fisheries’ West Coast Region, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, and Southwest Fisheries Science Center work together to apply the latest science to sustainably manage the rich marine resources of the region for generations to come. Jeremy Cram – Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife . Ryan Couch – NOAA Office of General Counsel . Three of the buildings provide offices and laboratory facilities for NOAA components and a fourth is a multipurpose auditorium. There is also an employee services center and a heated warehouse building with various shops. More information can be found in a short history of the planning and development of the center. West Coast and Alaska Regional Office MRIP Fact Sheet U.S. Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Fisheries is an agency within the Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Sacramento, CA 95814 . The complete Western Regional Center consists of nine buildings which contain 473,938 square feet and a vessel staging pier. Office: NOAA Fisheries, Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office, Gloucester, Massachusetts . These data depict the freshwater habitat areas designated as critical habitat under the U.S. 1998 NASA/NOAA/USGS Fall ATM Lidar: East Coast (SC, NC, VA) About: … These data depict the freshwater habitat areas designated as critical habitat under the U.S. West Coast Regional Office. Tim Copeland – Idaho Department of Fish and Game . The office has responsibility for salmon, steelhead trout, and green sturgeon conservation and recovery in the geographic region from the San Francisco Bay east including waters of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and its tributaries to their headwaters in the Sierras. Preview. Sacramento River Winter-run Critical Habitat depicts areas designated for Chinook Salmon Critical Habitat in the Sacramento River Winter-run Evolutionarily Significant Unit... HTML; PDF; TTVP Audit Database. Tags: DOC/NOAA/NMFS/WCRO > West Coast Regional Office, N Filter Results. Sign up for our newsletter. This plan will guide internal decisionmaking and resource allocation. NOAA seal: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Summer 2. Jennifer Steger, Northwest and Alaska Region Supervisor, NOAA Restoration Center. West Coast Region: Maritime Heritage Chumash paddle tomol in the Channel Islands Sanctuary (Schwemmer/NOAA).

Is Guinness Good For Beer Batter, Oligohydramnios Causes What Fetal Anomalies, Zizzi Ergonomic Chair, What Tier Is Rainham Kent In, Spirit Of Queensland Seating Plan, Degenerate Hyperbola Example,

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Amennyiben Önt letartóztatják, előállítják, akkor egy meggondolatlan mondat vagy ésszerűtlen döntés később az eljárás folyamán óriási hátrányt okozhat Önnek.

Tapasztalatom szerint már a kihallgatás első percei is óriási pszichikai nyomást jelentenek a terhelt számára, pedig a „tiszta fejre” és meggondolt viselkedésre ilyenkor óriási szükség van. Ez az a helyzet, ahol Ön nem hibázhat, nem kockáztathat, nagyon fontos, hogy már elsőre jól döntsön!

Védőként én nem csupán segítek Önnek az eljárás folyamán az eljárási cselekmények elvégzésében (beadvány szerkesztés, jelenlét a kihallgatásokon stb.) hanem egy kézben tartva mérem fel lehetőségeit, kidolgozom védelmének precíz stratégiáit, majd ennek alapján határozom meg azt az eszközrendszert, amellyel végig képviselhetem Önt és eredményül elérhetem, hogy semmiképp ne érje indokolatlan hátrány a büntetőeljárás következményeként.

Védőügyvédjeként én nem csupán bástyaként védem érdekeit a hatóságokkal szemben és dolgozom védelmének stratégiáján, hanem nagy hangsúlyt fektetek az Ön folyamatos tájékoztatására, egyben enyhítve esetleges kilátástalannak tűnő helyzetét is.

Polgári jog

Jogi tanácsadás, ügyintézés. Peren kívüli megegyezések teljes körű lebonyolítása. Megállapodások, szerződések és az ezekhez kapcsolódó dokumentációk megszerkesztése, ellenjegyzése. Bíróságok és más hatóságok előtti teljes körű jogi képviselet különösen az alábbi területeken:


Ingatlan tulajdonjogának átruházáshoz kapcsolódó szerződések (adásvétel, ajándékozás, csere, stb.) elkészítése és ügyvédi ellenjegyzése, valamint teljes körű jogi tanácsadás és földhivatal és adóhatóság előtti jogi képviselet.

Bérleti szerződések szerkesztése és ellenjegyzése.

Ingatlan átminősítése során jogi képviselet ellátása.

Közös tulajdonú ingatlanokkal kapcsolatos ügyek, jogviták, valamint a közös tulajdon megszüntetésével kapcsolatos ügyekben való jogi képviselet ellátása.

Társasház alapítása, alapító okiratok megszerkesztése, társasházak állandó és eseti jogi képviselete, jogi tanácsadás.

Ingatlanokhoz kapcsolódó haszonélvezeti-, használati-, szolgalmi jog alapítása vagy megszüntetése során jogi képviselet ellátása, ezekkel kapcsolatos okiratok szerkesztése.

Ingatlanokkal kapcsolatos birtokviták, valamint elbirtoklási ügyekben való ügyvédi képviselet.

Az illetékes földhivatalok előtti teljes körű képviselet és ügyintézés.

Társasági jog

Cégalapítási és változásbejegyzési eljárásban, továbbá végelszámolási eljárásban teljes körű jogi képviselet ellátása, okiratok szerkesztése és ellenjegyzése

Tulajdonrész, illetve üzletrész adásvételi szerződések megszerkesztése és ügyvédi ellenjegyzése.

Állandó, komplex képviselet

Még mindig él a cégvezetőkben az a tévképzet, hogy ügyvédet választani egy vállalkozás vagy társaság számára elegendő akkor, ha bíróságra kell menni.

Semmivel sem árthat annyit cége nehezen elért sikereinek, mint, ha megfelelő jogi képviselet nélkül hagyná vállalatát!

Irodámban egyedi megállapodás alapján lehetőség van állandó megbízás megkötésére, melynek keretében folyamatosan együtt tudunk működni, bármilyen felmerülő kérdés probléma esetén kereshet személyesen vagy telefonon is.  Ennek nem csupán az az előnye, hogy Ön állandó ügyfelemként előnyt élvez majd időpont-egyeztetéskor, hanem ennél sokkal fontosabb, hogy az Ön cégét megismerve személyesen kezeskedem arról, hogy tevékenysége folyamatosan a törvényesség talaján maradjon. Megismerve az Ön cégének munkafolyamatait és folyamatosan együttműködve vezetőséggel a jogi tudást igénylő helyzeteket nem csupán utólag tudjuk kezelni, akkor, amikor már „ég a ház”, hanem előre felkészülve gondoskodhatunk arról, hogy Önt ne érhesse meglepetés.
